Aileen is a trained therapeutic supervisor with fifteen years' supervisory experience and a postgraduate diploma in supervision at Masters level from Salford University.
She's also trained in Mindful Supervision with Cindy Cooper from Bangor University and works with many supervisees who integrate mindfulness in their work. Contact her for more information about face-to-face or telephone supervision.
With interest in Mindfulness growing rapidly the consideration of supervision and ethical frameworks within its teaching is becoming increasingly important and valued.
A Mental Health Foundation report in 2010 made several recommendations to expand mindfulness-based training and supervision opportunities and suggested it should be centralised which has now happened via the Mindfulness Network CiC - which can also be contacted about supervision by emailing:
Currently there isn't a professional mindfulness-accreditation organisation in the United Kingdom. However the UK Network for Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training Organisations has representatives from all main UK mindfulness training organisations and has produced national guidelines which can be found by clicking on this link:
If you're interested to find out more about mindful supervision please click on photo above to read a recent article on suggested supervision frameworks for Mindfulness-based Teachers.
MINDFUL MOMENTS . . . . . Mindfulness-based courses or individual sessions . . . . . . Aileen Ross Phone: 0845 458 9944 or Email: